Obtained from the able blending of the best durum wheat ranges, the “re-milled semolina” is characterized by the presence of proteins and gluten. These substances determine the flour’s suitability to be made into bread and the nutritional values of its finished products. These in turn, are differentiated from those obtained from soft wheat flour as far as their particular aroma and preservation are concerned. Furthermore, the special capacity of retaining a larger quantity of water has been attributed to the proteins of the “re-milled semolina”. This characteristic extends the finished products preservation period and gives a greater yield in production (an average of 130/140 kilos of bread are obtained from 100 kilos of durum wheat re-milled semolina).
Durum wheat re-milled semolina is used mainly to produce “Altamura” or “Apulian” bread and lately, on an industrial scale, loaves, “frise”, croutons, “ciabatte”, bread rolls, biscuits or similar products with an extremely even and compact texture. Finally, it is important to underline how the carotenoid quantity, which gives the product its characteristic amber colouring, is clearly superior to the other ground wheat products, due to the larger presence and concentration of caryopsis in the external part. For more than 140 years the “Industria Molitoria Mininni” of Altamura has yielded this product in its different ranges.

Durum wheat flour RIMR
PROTEINS (in dry matter): 13%
Dry gluten (in dry matter): 11.5%
Gluten index: minimum 70
ASH (in dry matter): 0.90%
YELLOW INDEX (b Minolta): minimum 22
W : 230
P/L: 2
Brabender: Abs. 60% – Stab. 7 minutes
Potential use: Semolina flour intended for the industrial and handmade production of bakery (bread, focaccia) and suitable for long leavenings and fridge maturation. Such semolina produces dough having a good extensibility and guarantees a great production result thanks to the high water absorption. The final products have a good volume and a thick and crunchy crust.

Durum wheat flour RIMV
PROTEINS (in dry matter): 14%
Dry gluten (in dry matter): 12.5%
Gluten index: minimum 70
ASH (in dry matter): 0.90%
YELLOW INDEX (b Minolta): minimum 24
W : 250
P/L: 1.3
Brabender: Abs. 61% – Stab. 8 minutes
Potential use: Semolina flour intended for the industrial and handmade production of bakery (bread, focaccia) and suitable for long leavenings and fridge maturation; it guarantees a great production result thanks to the high water absorption. The final products have a good volume thanks to the high gluten extensibility and yellow and fluffy guts. It is excellently appropriate for pizza and pastry production.

Durum wheat flour RIMN
PROTEINS (in dry matter): 12%
Dry gluten (in dry matter): 10%
Gluten index: minimum 70
ASH (in dry matter): 0.90%
YELLOW INDEX (b Minolta): minimum 21
W : 210
P/L: 3.5
Brabender: Abs. 60.5% – Stab. 5 minutes
Potential use: Semolina flour intended for the industrial and handmande production of bakery (bread, focaccia) and suitable for long leavenings and fridge maturation. Such semolina produces hard doughs and guarantees a great production result thanks to the high water absorption. The final products have a good volume thanks to the high gluten extensibility and yellow and fluffy guts.